Check out the new-and-vastly-improved link list on the sidebar to the right of this blog. I'll continue to add to the list, but this is a pretty good start.
A few things to note:
-I give roughly equal time and space to conservative and liberal writers and education policy sites. I also include plenty of advocates for alternative or radical perspectives on education, including homeschoolers, unschoolers, and Marxists.
-The list of "Education Scholars, Writers, and Practicioners" includes quite a few names you may not have heard of. In addition to historical figures such as John Dewey, the most well-known contemporary educators (Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Stanford's Linda Darling-Hammond, for example) are listed alongside less-well-known people such as "unschooling" advocate Grace Llewellyn, liberal education advocate Adam Kissel, and Great Books advocate Mortimer J. Adler.
-I am currently writing a book on self-education, and I've included a small list of self-education resources. You'll find some unexpected links here as well. The movie rental company Netflix and the online radio Pandora, for example, are included because their recommendation systems can introduce users to new media and art that they are likely to enjoy but may not have heard of. This, too, is education.
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